At last, I can tell the happy news. Not only did my husband just get tenure, but he just received word that his comic novel, his first [published] novel, Burnt Norway, has been accepted for publication by Florida Academic Press.
I could not be more thrilled. Not only is Burnt Norway a hilarious romp that now, people are finally going to get to enjoy, but this has been a long time coming to one of the hardest working writers I know! And the best!
Well, it’s possible I might be biased on that last part (but soon you’ll have a chance to judge for yourself!) But not on the hard working part. As anyone who’s ever driven by our house at 4:30 am and seen the light on can attest!!!
Since it’s a small press, I have appointed myself his publicity director! In my first act in this capacity, I am announcing another giveaway. I will be conducting a drawing for 3 $25 Barnes and Noble gift cards from anyone who announces the news on their blog or website and lets me know about it between June 10 and July 30th. I’ll put a few sentences that can be cut and pasted below to make it easier. In addition, I’ll be offering lots more publicity prizes and opportunities in the future.
Bye y’all
Fiction writer John Vanderslice (not to be confused with the Indie songster of the same name) announces the publication of his first novel, Burnt Norway, with Florida Academic Press. Vanderslice has published numerous short stories in journals such as Crazyhorse and the South Carolina Review and been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, but this is his first published book. A comic, metafictional romance (or, novel within a novel), Burnt Norway will be published sometime in the fall as an inaugural book in their New Voices series and will be available online and through various other sources. Look for more updates soon.
Whoo Hoo! I am happy for both of you. Tenure and a published book?! How very exciting! Enjoy the ride!
I have announced J. V.’s success over at bookspaz. Congratulations to him!
Congrats!! I’ve linked my announcement post. Just click on my name 🙂
Can we post on more than one blog?