Do you teach? Do you write? Some combination?
I challenge you to read this essay and remain unmoved:
It won the 2007 Bechtel Prize for Writing About Teaching Writing.
Meanwhile, in other news, there is considerable discussion going on about furor and scandal swirling about Irene Nemirovsky’s life and the novel Suite Francaise which I have effused about on this blog. Read about it here. I still contend it’s a brilliant book.
The second half of the Golden Books review is coming; it’s just all this other interesting stuff keeps popping up in the meantime.
Cindi Hoppes says
How powerful. I can relate to it because I have been as assistant in LD/BD classrooms. My sister taught first grade for 34 years. Some of the families children had been dealt. Life isn’t fair! Cindi
Nicole says
That is definitely a moving essay. Thank you for the link.