It was just a few weeks ago that I saw a message from Anthony Haynes on the British Creative Writing Listserv that his new academic publishing company was considering focusing on Creative Writing Studies and asking for feedback. Of course, I wasted no time in contacting him in telling him what an excellent idea that was. We got to speak together about it a week later and he told me he would keep me posted. Yesterday, I got this wonderful news:
We are pleased to announce that we are founding a publishing programme dedicated to Creative Writing Studies.
Q: Why?
A: Creative Writing has come of age as a discipline – and continues to grow – yet academic publishing has not kept pace with this development. There is some good publishing in the discipline, but overall the coverage is patchy. Too often Creative Writing Studies is treated as an add-on to subjects such as English or Literary Studies. The discipline needs its own dedicated, comprehensive, list.
Q: What?
The list will comprise scholarly works and also student guides. All our books will be rigorously peer-reviewed.
Q: Who, whom?
Who: Authors for the list will be Creative Writing Studies scholars and lecturers in higher education.
Whom: The list will be aimed at the various stakeholders – researchers, lecturers, tutors, and students – in Creative Writing in higher education. Our aim is to be the publisher for the Creative Writing Studies community.
Q: Whence?
The Professional and Higher Partnership has extensive experience of academic publishing. We provide editorial or publishing services to publishers such as Sage, Learning Matters, and the Society for Research into Higher Education. The directors are Karen and Anthony Haynes: Karen is an experienced academic editor; her publications include What Do Researchers Do? (Vitae). Anthony is Visiting Professor at Beijing Normal University and Hiroshima University; his books include Writing Successful Textbooks (A&C Black) and Writing Successful Academic Books (CUP, forthcoming – 2010).
Q: When?
The first titles will be commissioned in 2009–10 for publication in 2010–11 onwards.
Q: Where?
Books will be published (or co-published) in all major Anglophone territories.
If you are involved with Creative Writing Studies in higher education, do please contact us with any suggestions, comments, or questions you may have.
Anthony Haynes
Creative Director,
The Professional and Higher Partnership Ltd
[email protected]
Tel. UK (0)1638 663456
Talk about music to this wordamour’s ears! More on this as it develops.
Bye y’all,
this looks tailor-made for your area of expertise!