I’m still catching up from the whirlwind Pennsylvania wedding tour, wherein we fly out in Hurricane Gustav, experience Tropical Storm Hanna in all our wedding finery but without an umbrella (hey, the bride had one and she looked stunning, which is of course, all that matters) and then fly home in blissfully clear skies. But I digress. . .until I get my act together and recover my middle-aged-self from all the festivities, here are some great new links that writers or anyone with writerly inclinations should check out:
A place to store all your writing bits-n-bobs digitally–can it get better than this! Check it out.
50 Great Websites for Writers
Some old standbys, some new sites–another link worth investigating.
Click away!
Bye y’all
PS I’d fix the italics problem, but I’m too tired. Sorry.
Cindi says
Thanks for the website ideas! Glad you are home and safe. Have a delightful weekend. Cindi