Rethinking Creative Writing in Higher Ed has crossed the finish line and is at the publishers so until I get the editor’s comments back, I also have my life back. Not that I’m complaining–I am so happy to be putting this project to bed at a publisher. But for the last month and a half my life has been like a jar of marbles filled with liquid. The marbles represent all my regular commitments, family, job, writing project stuff. . .and the liquid would be the book, filling up every spare crevice, every spare moment, especially toward the end.
And so, I can breathe again. And hang out with my husband and my kids–they’re out of school now–not coincidentally, I had negotiated the book’s deadline for their last day of school. And read a few books not related to creative writing pedagogy. I celebrated by staggering out of the local library with a pile yesterday.
A few on my list: Brazil by Jesse Lee Kercheval (a review copy from the author-one of my faves!), Making Toast by Roger Rosenblatt, and the ubiquitous Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (for a long drive).
This weekend, dropping my son off at DUKE Tip, then the Writing Project starts–yippee!
Bye Y’all,
Congratulations! Did you read the essay version of “Making Toast” when it appeared in The New Yorker. An incredibly powerful piece. The book is on my TBR list, too.