This time it’s Ann Stameshkin, who created, edits and maintains the hot new writer’s website, Fiction Writers Review. I’ve been reading this blog for about a year and have turned on many of my students to it. It’s the go-to site for the latest in literary news, for reviews, essays on writing and teaching writing, interviews, etc.. What a great service Anne has done in founding and building this site!
Shameless promotion alert here, Fiction Writers Review also just published an essay of mine about teaching writing, “Deconstructing a Good Cry”, which you can read here. Other attributes making Anne Stameshkin “gold baguette award worthy,” are that she, like Wordamour herself, is a Camel, albeit I’m sure a much younger one, sigh. In other words, she is a Connecticut College alum and, the best part, she is also fan of the great, underrated novel by Jesse Lee Kercheval, The Museum of Happiness. Kudos, Anne!
And just for fun, the entries for the Washington Post 2009 Peeps contest are in. Well worth a view here.
Bye y’all,
I really enjoyed viewing the Peeps Dioramas.
Thanks for sharing…..Cindi
Glad you liked it, Cindi. I love reading your comments.