The Geek’s Guide to the Writing Life: Dear AWP First Timer is up over at Huffpo.
Wordamour and Wordamour Jr. are currently in Worcester, MA smack dab in the middle of the Great Mother Son College Tour of 2013, heading in to Boston to check out Northeastern University tomorrow and checking in to AWP. The dance card is pretty full for the conference; our panel is on Saturday, check us out
Room 309, Level 3 | S178. Creative Writing Under Siege: Setting the Record Straight. (Stephanie Vanderslice, Anna Leahy, Dianne Donnelly, Tom C Hunley, Tim Mayers) Detractors of creative writing, via sweeping generalizations and straw men, have long criticized the field. What is the responsibility of those within the field to demythologize and demystify creative writing to the public? Find out happens when, in response to Anis Shivani’s particularly scathing criticism in the Huffington Post, a group of writers representing a wide cross-section of the field (undergraduate and graduate writing, public and private universities) set the record straight.Bye y’all, SV |