The Arkansas Literary Forum, the annual online journal of Arkansas writing edited by Marck Beggs, has hit the wires, so to speak. And what a liteary smorgasboard. Great stuff from great writers, too many to list without repeating the table of contents. A special section by and about Damien Echols, one of the West Memphis Three, incredible art from Nancy Dunaway. And, yes, a personal essay from yours truly and a story from my husband, John Vanderslice. Check it out.
In the midst of workon my book, Burning Down the Garrett: Revising Creative Writing in Higher Education, I am knee deep in reading about every MFA program listed on the Associated Writing Programs website, with the goal of creating an honor roll of programs breaking the mold and spotlighting a few particularly cutting edge programs. About halfway through the fifty states (with several big states to go, phew), I can make a couple of perhaps not-so-suprising observations, namely that: programs housed in schools of art tend to be particularly forward leaning, as are programs in universities that in or near cities (though this is not always true). It’s the rural programs that tend to be more old school. More on this as it develops.
In other news. . .
It was a good weekend: crafting, bread baking, chili-making, flu-shot obtaining (we’re all covered now), library visiting, UCA football (we won although my son’s favorite player, Brent Grimes, didn’t get the kind of playing time he usually does), and cruising the Sunday holiday open house downtown. In spite of the fact that I was fighting crankiness about heading off to a conference this week. Not that I don’t love conferences once I’m there, but I miss my husband and kiddos. Also, this is the beginning of my annual November push where I’m away from home three weekends in a row; National Writing Project conference, Thanksgiving in Fayetteville (with some of my favorite relatives), then Memphis for the St. Jude’s marathon my husband runs in. Even though the latter two are great family fun, it’s hard to be away three weekends in a row just before the Christmas season begins. Keeping one’s clothes laundered, for example, is a particular challenge. The only time of year when I wish I had more underwear.
I am looking forward to the book fair at the conference, though, and am leaving LOTS of extra space in my suitcase for all the goodies I will inevitably bring home. This year I even plan to bring a poster tube for all the gorgeous children’s book posters the publishers give out. Last year’s highlight was the advance reader ‘s copy of Trenton Lee Stewart’s current bestseller, The Mysterious Benedict Society. Tell you what, keep checking back at this blog and next week I’ll post some particularly choice goodies and have a drawing among people who post on this blog from November 19-December 19. Sound like fun?
I’m off to pack, even though I don’t leave till Weds. on an ungodly seven am flight. Some years back, my very well-organized sister-in-law, Polly, pointed out that if you pack a few days before you leave, you avoid all that last minute laundry/allnighter/packing stress. Although I will never be as organized as she is, I do take this advice to heart and find it really does make for a much better leave-taking experience.
More soon, ta for now.
tim says
I met Trenton Stewart at the Ark Shakespeare Festival this summer! He’s friends with Mary Ruth Marotte, and she introduced me. I loved his book.
Also, please let me know about any particularly interesting MFA programs you discover. I’m seriously considering applying to programs in poetry or creaive non-fiction in the next five years or so. Right now, I’m leaning towards Oregon, because Dorianne Laux is there, but I really haven’t researched all that much.
Have fun with your November travels!
Steph says
Hi Tim,
Did you like the book? We’re liking it so far.
I’m planning to go to Mary Ruth’s book talk tomorrow. Will let you know how it goes.
Loved your last post about your drop in visitors.
mondastrange says
The History Lesson piece in ALF is perfect. Congratulations!
Have fun at the NWP conference and snag a couple of goodies for me at the book fair. You know how I love free goodies.
Bri says
Like Tim, I’m really interested in what you find out in your MFA research. Thanks for the link to the NWP – I found an article there that inspired a blog post! It’ll be up on Monday or so.
I’ll drop by the ALF after class.
(PS – the drawing sounds like fun!)
Petr says
Sertvfdnhgjk says
Приветствую всех!
У меня такой вопрос,кто что интересное подскажет буду признателен.
Мы с друзьями собираемся поехать в круиз по просторам России и ближнего зарубежья месяца на два на своих машинах,но не как не можем согласовать маршрут,если у кого уже был опыт такого путешествия,может,что посоветуете.Девчонок с собой не берем,думаем,что во все городах России с этим не будет проблем,если у кого будут рекомендации и в вопросе отдыха с девушками тоже буду признателен.
С уважением Сеньчик